Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A Mexican Christmas Celebration in Ontario's Countryside: Year 2

Last year, I wrote about the Posada - a Mexican pre-Christmas celebration - which was celebrated in the village of Linwood, hosted by St. Mary's Catholic Church. This year, my wife and I (especially my wife) organized the a Posada at St. Mary's for the second time.

A special thanks to my parents who prepared the delicious Mexican food!

We celebrated the Posada on Dec. 15, so it's almost old news by now!  In the next few days I'll share pictures of features of the Mexican Christmas celebration which we're importing to our new home, Ontario.

Here are some pictures.

Making pinatas:

The dialogue with the Innkeeper.

This is the central part of the Posada, which means "Inn." The story of Joseph and Mary looking for an inn in Bethlehem is reenacted.

As you can see, the turnout was lower than last year due to inclement weather conditions.  Yet, including those who went inside and skipped the carols and dialogue, I think we had about 60 - 70 people:

 Mary and Joseph.

Like last year, we one-upped Mexico by having a real girl on a real horse with a real Joseph leading her through town. (In Mexico, they usually just carry figurines:)

 Enjoying dinner:

 The band.

This is a new addition, thanks to my godfather. (Here, we would usually say "sponsor" but I think the Mexican term "padrino" which translates as "godfather" has more meaning:)

Breaking the pinatas:

Kids collecting the candies:

And last but not least, grandpa with a baby:

Up next, Christmas Eve dinner and/or Epiphany.


  1. Hi again. Commented on an older post, but hoping to contact you somehow here.

    I see you're on Google+ (I'm super new to that). I wanted to follow you via Facebook, but I wasn't sure if you had your blog linked through FB. I would have e-mailed you, but it seemed I could only start a "hang out" which, to my knowledge, is automatic texting feature (so if you were sleeping, I'd have a likelihood of waking you up).

    Sorry to run on, but just hoping there's an easy way to link to you via FB so I can keep up with your blog.


    Thanks and God Bless!

    1. Hi Gina!

      Sorry that I'm rather difficult to contact; that is not by any means on purpose! I am simply a little disorganized. I should add a "contact me" page.

      You can e-mail me at:

      or add me as a friend on FB at:

      As for the messaging, people can send me a message at any time. I do not own a smart phone and it is unlikely that I will get one; since I turn my computer off at night, it can't wake me up. (That's probably also part of the problem of being difficult to get a hold of. I really have to start checking in regularly.)

      I just saw your comment on the older post. I will reply there as well!
